Real-time meteorological bulletins
Real-time meteorological bulletins (last 140 days)
- alphanumerical
- binary
- bulletins
Output Formats
- json (application/geo+json)
- jsonld (application/ld+json)
- html (text/html)
- Data and products of the alphanumerical and binary bulletins - Meteorological Service of Canada open data documentation (text/html)
- The landing page of this server as JSON (application/json)
- The landing page of this server as HTML (text/html)
- This document as JSON (application/json)
- This document as RDF (JSON-LD) (application/ld+json)
- This document as HTML (text/html)
- Queryables for this collection as JSON (application/schema+json)
- Queryables for this collection as HTML (text/html)
- items as GeoJSON (application/geo+json)
- items as RDF (GeoJSON-LD) (application/ld+json)
- Items as HTML (text/html)
- Powered by
- 0.15.0 |
- msc-pygeoapi
- 0.12.2c